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Re: Formal Member Registration

--- Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have proposed that we should now start looking at a formal 
> membership process.
> Since I would like to see uniformity across the country, I thought
> I'd kick off a discussion here to see what other people have to say 
> about it.
> What should this formal membership process entail? 

I posted a reply on the blr list, I guess that I should repost it here
too... :-(

The formal approach has it's disadvantages - notably the tendency for
politics over organisational posts and so on. The usual thing that
happens is that the initial moving forces are either accused of being
glory-seekers and are deposed or become despotic in their control of
group policies.

The only remedy for this is complete transperancy of all administrative
activities. A first step for this would be to post some draft rules for


Biju "Botsie" Chacko

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