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Re: Re: [LIH] [OT] Linux Geek Reading Tastes (Was Re: load balancing ?)

--- Suresh Ramasubramanian <sureshr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Biju Chacko saw fit to inform LI that: 
> >It's amazing, all us geeks seem to have the same reading tastes: SF
> &
> >Fantasy. I wonder why we're all attracted to it? In my case, I was
> into
> Except for Tolkien and HHGTG, I don't like fantasy stuff ... and as
> for sci-fi, I only read the stuff when I am despo and there's nothing
> else within reach 
You have my sympathy. Pitiful Chap. *diving for cover* 
BTW, purists call it SF, calling it "Sci-Fi" is an indication of

> >If I may speculate: i think it's due to the fact that the fun of
> great
> >SF/Fantasy is exploration. Exploration of imaginary worlds, new
> I like doing armchair psych as well :)
Actually, in my case it's just that I love the sound of my own voice.
Have excuse -- will blather. ;-)


Biju "Botsie" Chacko
"With men and sex when it's right, it's right and when it's wrong, it's right." - Fishism

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