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RE: [OT]RE: [LIH] where can i purchaser linux cds

[moving to LIG]

Whatever it is - there's a limit to even COMMERCIAL: posts.  This sort of
thing is an abuse of the "COMMERCIAL" privilege.

Suresh Ramasubramanian   sureshr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Devdas Bhagat [SMTP:dodobh@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Monday, May 01, 2000 1:38 PM
> To:	linux-india-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:	[OT]RE: [LIH] where can i purchaser linux cds
> On Mon, 01 May 2000, Ramasubramanian, Suresh wrote:
> >I have a feeling this guy is selling some other *nix rather than Linux
> >(Solaris, say).  Or else he is trying to pull the wool over people's eyes
> >...
> >
> >Either way, his post is rather off topic to LI, IMHO :)
> Very OT, and he might be including the cost of training a few hundred
> people on
> Linux as well in that price, plus support for three or five years for the
> organization.
> (Or he is speaking about a beowulf?)
On Mon, 1 May 2000, MiteshV@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> FMI : What distro are u looking for ? Moreover, a stand-alone version
> as low as Rs.2500/- (this is an avg. rate) while Server vesion costs
> Rs.35,000/- and Enterprise Version costs around Rs. 1.25 lakhs. I will
> out the exact rates once I am informed about the distribution & the
> from your side. Of course, needless to say, S & H would cost as per
> HTH,
> Good Luc,
> MiteshV
> PS: If I am not around in the office, Mr. Nilesh would be the next right
> person to contact.