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[Commercial] Indianising Linux
There seems to be commercial effort at localising linux in
Indian Languages. http://www.freeos.com/indianlinux/
The Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore's
Information for Development Centre and FreeOS.Com are looking
for champions who can take up the cause of localising Linux in
Indian languages. The goal of this Indianisation project is to
ensure that the benefits of Information Technology percolate
down to the Indian masses. We want to make technology
accessible to the "other 90 percent" of India that does not
speak English.
Some of the folks here in the Debian project have been in
contact with the person behind freeos.com, Prakash Advani
<prakash@xxxxxxxxxx>, and it is a consensus that making this effort
distribution nuetral would be very desirable. He has expressed an
interest in hiring technical people to work fulltime on this project,
and given that Debian is way rarer than Red Hat in India, this would
be an excellent opportunity for technically inclined Debian users
looking for gainful employment in mumbai.
On a larger scale, people can contribute as volunteers to
this project, and who better to do this than members of this list? I
remember we have talked about localising Linux in Indian languages on
these lists in the past; and this may be just the vehicle to move
that goal forward.
The surest sign that a man is in love is when he divorces his wife.
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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