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Please share your linux experiences....
Atul -why not do something about it rather than just moan .....
for example your current message has no information content at all about linux
in india ...
I had send the best contribution I could to your previous mail and had asked
other people to give examples of linux usage in india("My experiments with
linux") . No one else sent anything. Including yourself...I would have
expected you to be able to generate the most content. So I'm broadcasting this
appeal again to everyone on this list. Please share your experiences ,
pitfalls, and also how to sell linux in the indian scenario ( or does that
fall under linux advocacy ?)
All flames welcome ... (Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will
never hurt me :) )
Atul Chitnis wrote:
> I dropped out of LI/LIH because of such "discussions". Looks like there is
> no point sticking around here - some people are totally incapable of
> sticking to a list topic.
> I have stopped recommending this list to anyone for any kind of sane
> discussions about Linux in India. Everyone here is too hung up about
> positioning themselves as the ultimate autority on
> VSNL/hacking/cracking/licenses/etc. The name Linux does not figure
> anywhere.
> While you guys are going around with your points-counterpoints, may I
> point out how utterly worthless your "discussion" is in the context of
> this list, and that you are making this a completely uncomfortable place
> to be in?
> You are simply hijacking a valiant effort at spreading Linux in India for
> your own purposes. And you are doing it over and over and over again.
> These discussions have nothing to do with Linux in India.
> I am out of here to try my luck elsewhere.
> Atul
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Atul Chitnis | achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx (PGP:6011BCB8)
> Exocore Consulting | http://www.exocore.com
> Bangalore, India | +91(80)3440397 Fax +91(80)3341137
> --------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> For information on this and other Linux India mailing lists check out
> http://lists.linux-india.org/
Robin S Chatterjee Yahoo pager ID -Robinchatterjee
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