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Re: Re: Linux versus GNU/Linux...

>>>>> "Suresh" == Suresh Ramasubramanian <r.suresh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suresh> Fine, you don't.  So?

Fine ?? Ok.

    >> Hyderabadi's are usually clever ( with an exception ;-)
    Suresh> That being you, Khader?  Or are you a Bangalorean now?

Well, I never was a hyderabadi and never want to be one as a matter of fact.
I like being myself and neither will I be a Bangalorean too :-)

It depends on *junta* out there at Hyderabad :-)

    >> Well, in our 9th Class Hindi we had a non-detail By the name
    >> "Ek Aur Ek Gyarah" and you sound like *Khoobchand* from that
    >> novel.  Find out more about Khoobchand ?? will ya ?? :-)

    Suresh> Well - I'm not so up to date on Hindi literature as you
    Suresh> are - but ~you~ remind me of (who the hell was it? - ah
    Suresh> yes ...) Uriah Heep.  If you haven't read David
    Suresh> Copperfield in class 9, then read it now.

Well, I am not the only one who thinks so :-) ( I have big following here ;-)

    Suresh> You want to carry on further flame wars / make further
    Suresh> snide (or inane) remarks, do it offlist.  Please.

Hmmmm, So till now all this stuff about GNU and BSD was peace war ?? Is it ??
And as Raj said It's been sometime since we had a good flame war :-)
	- Khader

------------------------------------------------ @}-----------------
Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                          sid@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Debian 2.2 (frozen)                         http://www.sidcarter.com