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Re: [LI] Linux faces first..........

On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 04:00:57PM +0530, Raj Mathur wrote:
> Uh, if their licensing is their standard Community Public License,
> then it's nowhere near open source or free software.  The license does 
> not permit you to modify and freely redistribute the source, so
> control stays with the originating company (Sun, in this case).  For
> an example of hos this works, look at the way they screwed
> Blackdown.Org in the case of Java porting to Linux.

Hi there,
That's right !! Solaris 8 Code is released Under SCSL, which essentially
means that whatever is added to be the code has to be submitted back to SUN only
and in case you want to sell it commercially you have to pay any royalties which
is mostly against the GPL ( whose Idea is to share and make it better ).
It's a clever trick of SUN ( maybe ) where they want others to enhance their code
and give it back to sun, which I assume not everyone would be ready to do.
Why would anyone want to give the enhancements back to SUN ?
I think I am on the right track here.!
please correct If I am wrong anywhere.

---------------------------------- @}---------
Syed Khader Vali	    skhader@xxxxxxxxxx
Debian 2.2.4 (potato)