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Re: Debian maintainer
>>"skhader" == skhader <skhader@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
skhader> Anyway the question I wanted to ask was how can I become a
skhader> Debian Maintainer ?
Hmm. Well, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-start.html
is the canonical place to start looking at what it would take to
become a maintainer, and how to creaste a starting package (BTW: I
personally prefer not to us the helper packages dh_make, and have
examples people can work off in http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/rules/).
The practical aspects that would concern you are:
a) proving your identity. This requires either getting photostats of
government identity papers (passports, drivers licences, etc) and
faxing them in, or
b) Getting a gpg key with a signature from a Debian developer.
Also, the new maintainer team likes to call people, so a phone
and times when you can be contacted there would be required.
Unfortunately, the new maintainer process is rather in
shambles at this point -- we are working on finding and training
volunteers for the team, but it has yet to be resolved.
The post from the project leader is below.
As you may have heard or even experienced yourself, Debian's
new-maintainer team is currently not processing requests.
The team wanted to resolve some problems they observed with the way
Debian maintainership is current handled, and decided to close
new-maintainer until these have been fixed.
We are currently working on a new structure for handling new-maintainer
requests, and hope to have this finished as soon as possible. There will
be a proposal on this posted on the debian-devel list in the near
Once the new structure is in place new-maintainer will be reopened, and
we will make an announcement.
"And it should be the law: If you use the word `paradigm' without
knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No
exceptions." David Jones @ Megatest Corporation
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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