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Re: LI traffic and a proposal

Well, I don't know....I mean ilug-cal, ilug-delhi have already registered their TLDs and are having their individual
web-sites, would they be moving?? As far as ILUG-Calcutta is concerned, we are not moving, not because we are against
it. Rather, we get hosted for free, have access to majordomo servers to run our LUG lists -- again for free. But most
importantly, because we wouldn't leave our host Russell McOrmand, has been a big help to us at every point.  

Fund-raising in places (eg. Calcutta), where Linux is yet to be very visible at the corporate levels, can be a
hair-raising experience (been there, done that :) We had people going back on pledges. Talking of the Rs. 60 thread...
at Cal, we are lucky if our total refreshment bill for a meeting exceeds Rs. 100 ;-) As far as the actual funding of
our LUG goes, a lot of it actually happens out of the pockets of the more active members and a few others who

Once I put forward a proposal of annual subscription of Rs. 300 for the employed persons and Rs. 100 for students, the
money was to be utilised to buy CDs and other resources like LJ, or purchase a Net account for our LUG so that we can
distribution the responsibility of handling the mails to LUG in case one of us is out-of-station. Almost immediately I
crash-landed with my tail up in flames ;)


From: Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Linux India General List <linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LI traffic and a proposal
Date: Saturday, December 04, 1999 11:42 AM

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Active Technologies wrote:

> Where does the funding for LI come from ? If some funding is already in
> place, great !! otherwise, I feel that we should raise some money through
> contributions. I am willing to contribute to the fund.

So would we all. But this is best handled at ILUG level, else LI will be
accused of dictatorship. (remember the "Rs.60!!!" thread? ;-)

Let us wait for Bhavin's response/offer, and then let the ILUGs pile on.
