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Message from Mr. Kernel Paniker..

Hi All,
OOps! I did it again...

One evening I tried to install Minix on the swap
partition of Linux.
No problems with /swapfile and swapon etc...
till i fiddled with the partition table with 'part'
the partitioning
tool in Minix.

You guessed right... when booting linix the panic

-------------<Begining of
Partition check:
	hda: hda1 hda2 < >
attempt to acess  beyond end of device
03:06: rw=0, want = 2, limit=0
dev 03:06 blksize=1024 blocknr=1 sector=2 size=1024

EXT-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to acess  beyond end of device03:06: rw=0,
want = 2, limit=0
03:06: rw=0, want = 2, limit=0
dev 03:06 blksize=1024 blocknr=1 sector=2 size=1024

MINIX-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to acess  beyond end of device03:06: rw=0,
want = 2, limit=0
03:06: rw=0, want = 2, limit=0
dev 03:06 blksize=1024 blocknr=1 sector=2 size=1024

FAT bread failed
Invalid session number or type of track
attempt to acess  beyond end of device03:06: rw=0,
want = 2, limit=0
03:06: rw=0, want = 33, limit=0
dev 03:06 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024

isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=03:06,
iso_blknum=16, block=32
Kernel panic: VFS:Unable to mount roots on 03:06.
-------------<E(A)nd the Panic

Now what? Minix does not recognize the Linux file
and vice versa. The partition is not being recognized
the partitioning tools too!
(W)Bhindoze works fine... till now...

Any kewl ideas... or do I have to chuck my HDD...(lol)
Anyway in which i may retrieve the old partition table

have a nice day ( mine is skewered...)

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