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Another DBD::Pg question

This time perldoc DBD::Pg says :
       Data-Type bool

       The current implementation of PostgreSQL returns 't' for
       true and 'f' for false. From the perl point of view a
       rather unfortunate choice. The DBD-Pg module translates
       the result for the data-type bool in a perl-ish like
       manner: 'f' -> '0' and 't' -> '1'. This way the
       application does not have to check the database-specific
       returned values for the data-type bool, because perl
       treats '0' as false and '1' as true.

       PostgreSQL Version 6.2 considers the input 't' as true and
       anything else as false.  PostgreSQL Version 6.3 considers
       the input 't', '1' and 1 as true and anything else as
       false.  PostgreSQL Version 6.4 considers the input 't',
       '1' and 'y' as true and any other character as false.

Anyone using DBD::PG version 1.00 with PostGreSQL version 7.1.2 ?? If so
whats the interpretation of true in that.. The Author doesnt say what
his current implementation is.
