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Re: [Kind of OT] Apache suexec help

Nope, worse :-)

So when do I expect the install.sh script from you? <g>

-- Raju

>>>>> "Amit" == Amit Soni <amitsoni@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Amit> Is the installation of v2.0 better than 1.0 ? <fingers
    Amit> crossed> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Raju Mathur"
    Amit> <raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To:
    Amit> <linux-india-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
    Amit> <linux-delhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, May 18,
    Amit> 2001 11:37 AM Subject: [linux-delhi] [Kind of OT] Apache
    Amit> suexec help

    >> Hi,
    >> As some of you would be aware, I'm in the process of releasing
    >> v2.0 of VishwaKarma, a GPL web-hosting control panel.
    >> VishwaKarma works on the basis of having a set of Perl CGI
    >> scripts for performing common tasks which map into each domain
    >> (user)'s web space through directives in httpd.conf.
Raju Mathur          raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx           http://kandalaya.org/