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Re: New Convergence bill. plus plus

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 06:29:02PM -0000, nitin batra wrote:
>Read todays Hindustan Times
>>Really scary
>Nah...There are already a million laws out there
>One more !! wont make much of a difference
>And by the way how on the earth they plan to implement it
>Last Place on the nET
>Have they got the resources to police the net!!!!!
This is what I call  "Stupid"
forgive me but
"moron" Its not about implementing.
its about having the power to screw you whenever they want.
see there are millions of laws which no one knows
until bang! you get caught donig hanky panky with the dsp's 
daughter. (or doing HACKING ;) 

get this clear if you write something on the web like
say a artical about lynx no body will do anything
tough By Law its no allowed.
but if you disclose something about indian army's 
stupid sercurity then man you had it.

See this gives them a power a power that says everybody online
is doing something against the law and this gives them the 
power to screw any one .

And don't think that the media and the press will make this a big issue
because they want his to happen they want to be the only one to
be the information suppliers.

This is a very serious just think about it.
don't dismiss it like that.

>There is a law (or something like that)
>That u cant Photograph A BRIDGE...!!
>Dated back to WWII ....
>AND IT IS STILL A LAW...u r obliged to abide by it
>But then someone said to me arent there satellites up there
>checking the color of your shirt..
>Maybe not ...but close

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