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List Statistics for linux-delhi for 03/2001

List: linux-delhi
Number of subscribers
	Total: 293
	Digest: 2 (0.68 %)
	Each: 291 (99.32 %)
	.com: 205 (69.97 %)
	.net: 54 (18.43 %)
	.edu: 2 (0.68 %)
	.org: 14 (4.78 %)
	.in: 35 (11.95 %)
By domain name
	.vsnl.net.in: 9 (3.07 %)
	.vsnl.com: 8 (2.73 %)
	.vsnl.net: 2 (0.68 %)
	.hotmail.com: 24 (8.19 %)
	.yahoo.com: 50 (17.06 %)
	.usa.net: 12 (4.10 %)
	.softhome.net: 11 (3.75 %)
	.eth.net: 4 (1.37 %)
	.netscape.net: 2 (0.68 %)
	.pobox.com: 1 (0.34 %)
	.iname.com: 2 (0.68 %)
Signal to noise ratio of top posters

    Total Messages:              906
    Total Original Body Lines:   13967
    Total Body Lines:            27179  (49% noise)

Sorted by messages posted:
                                       Total     Total  Total
                                    Messages  Original  Lines:
                                      Posted:    Lines:

   1:    Raju Mathur                       77      2185  3405  (36% noise)
   2:    Ambar Roy                         76       761  1440  (48% noise)
   3:    Pankaj Kaushal                    53      1000  2048  (52% noise)
   4:    Neil                              45       299   694  (57% noise)
   5:    V.Suresh                          41       590   913  (36% noise)
   6:    Sandip Bhattacharya               30       372   635  (42% noise)
   7:    Mithun Bhattacharya               30       210   373  (44% noise)
   8:    Yashpal  Nagar                    24       635   758  (17% noise)
   9:    Chandresh Pant                    21       374   676  (45% noise)
  10:    Sanjeev Gupta                     21       208   476  (57% noise)
  11:    Sunny Holani                      20       241   494  (52% noise)
  12:    Amit Soni                         20       291   689  (58% noise)
  13:    Goldwyn Rodrigues                 20       224   439  (49% noise)
  14:    Lokesh Setia                      19       402   693  (42% noise)
  15:    Anmol Khirbat                     19       135   425  (69% noise)
  16:    Sunil Dhaka                       19       202   302  (34% noise)
  17:    Harshal Vaidya (CTS)              18       398   677  (42% noise)
  18:    Sahil Gupta - NET4U               16       321   535  (40% noise)
  19:    Aditya Okhal                      16       276   654  (58% noise)
  20:    Ketu                              15       223   555  (60% noise)

Sorted by original lines posted:
                                       Total     Total  Total
                                    Messages  Original  Lines:
                                      Posted:    Lines:

   1:    Raju Mathur                       77      2185  3405  (36% noise)
   2:    Pankaj Kaushal                    53      1000  2048  (52% noise)
   3:    Ambar Roy                         76       761  1440  (48% noise)
   4:    Yashpal  Nagar                    24       635   758  (17% noise)
   5:    V.Suresh                          41       590   913  (36% noise)
   6:    Lokesh Setia                      19       402   693  (42% noise)
   7:    Harshal Vaidya (CTS)              18       398   677  (42% noise)
   8:    Chandresh Pant                    21       374   676  (45% noise)
   9:    Sandip Bhattacharya               30       372   635  (42% noise)
  10:    Supreet Sethi                     12       327   499  (35% noise)
  11:    Sahil Gupta - NET4U               16       321   535  (40% noise)
  12:    Neil                              45       299   694  (57% noise)
  13:    Amit Soni                         20       291   689  (58% noise)
  14:    Aditya Okhal                      16       276   654  (58% noise)
  15:    Vivek khurana                     14       267   354  (25% noise)
  16:    Sunny Holani                      20       241   494  (52% noise)
  17:    Goldwyn Rodrigues                 20       224   439  (49% noise)
  18:    Ketu                              15       223   555  (60% noise)
  19:    Mithun Bhattacharya               30       210   373  (44% noise)
  20:    Sanjeev Gupta                     21       208   476  (57% noise)

Sorted by total lines posted:
                                       Total     Total  Total
                                    Messages  Original  Lines:
                                      Posted:    Lines:

   1:    Raju Mathur                       77      2185  3405  (36% noise)
   2:    Pankaj Kaushal                    53      1000  2048  (52% noise)
   3:    Ambar Roy                         76       761  1440  (48% noise)
   4:    V.Suresh                          41       590   913  (36% noise)
   5:    Yashpal  Nagar                    24       635   758  (17% noise)
   6:    Neil                              45       299   694  (57% noise)
   7:    Lokesh Setia                      19       402   693  (42% noise)
   8:    Amit Soni                         20       291   689  (58% noise)
   9:    Harshal Vaidya (CTS)              18       398   677  (42% noise)
  10:    Chandresh Pant                    21       374   676  (45% noise)
  11:    Aditya Okhal                      16       276   654  (58% noise)
  12:    Sandip Bhattacharya               30       372   635  (42% noise)
  13:    Ketu                              15       223   555  (60% noise)
  14:    Sahil Gupta - NET4U               16       321   535  (40% noise)
  15:    Supreet Sethi                     12       327   499  (35% noise)
  16:    Sunny Holani                      20       241   494  (52% noise)
  17:    Prithu Nath                        6       200   478  (59% noise)
  18:    Sanjeev Gupta                     21       208   476  (57% noise)
  19:    Goldwyn Rodrigues                 20       224   439  (49% noise)
  20:    Vivek Khare                       12       126   438  (72% noise)


    "Total Lines" does not count attachments, only the main body of the
    message.  Messages which contain only attachments count as 0 lines.

    "Original lines" are the subset of "Total Lines" that are not
    preceeded by ">".

    "Noise" is the other part -- the quoted material.

    This script doesn't do anything clever with HTML, so the stats will
    be off for HTML messages (no detection of quoted material, and
    bloated line counts.)
