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Re: 2.4.1 + XFree86 4 for i810

I don't what problem you have with X under i810. It is very easy. Actually, I too have i 810 m/b, and the RH 6.2 installed X 3.3.6, and I had to do a little 
tweaking to get 24 bit color, and 800x600 resolution. Then, a month back I downloaded X 4.0 .tgz files, installed it, and it too is working fine, after some 
minor adjustments to XF86Config. Please be specific on what your problem is.
On  0, Sunny Holani <sunny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> mailed:
> Hi,
>     Been trying to make 2.4.1 + XFree86 4 work for my i810 for quite some
| Warm Regards,                    |
|                                  |
| V Suresh                         |
| Mail:	suresh-grl@xxxxxxx         |
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| Web :	www16.brinkster.com/vsuresh|
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