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I have installed courier-imap along with qmail on my linux box .
Created the maildir for the user and the same has been included in
~/.mailboxlist .
When i access the mail from outlook express it show me Maildir/new but
when i click it to access the mails it is showing following error:
Header download for the 'Maildir' folder did not complete. Could not
select 'Maildir' on the IMAP
server. You might try refreshing your folder list to synchronize with
the IMAP server. Account:
'mail.surevin.com', Server: 'mail.surevin.com', Protocol: IMAP, Server
Response: 'SELECT failed:
Can't open Maildir: not a selectable mailbox', Port: 143, Secure(SSL):
No, Error Number:
can anybody suggest what is to be done ?
Manish Verma E-Mail:mverma@xxxxxxxxxxx
Surevin Internet Services
...the friendly ISP