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Re: Increase Swap from 128 MB to 256 MB

Yeah, you can increase swap space by creating a swap file in the
filesystem.  However, this leads to a tremendous lloos of performance,
so I'd recommend creating/increasing a swap partition if you can.


-- Raju

>>>>> "Sanjeev" == Sanjeev Gupta <ghane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Sanjeev> No, No, No!!!  I am the real Ghane, all else are fakes.
    Sanjeev> There is no need to repartition.  It hurts me to say
    Sanjeev> this, but Neil's method is right.

    Sanjeev> # dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1024k count=127 #
    Sanjeev> mkswap /var/swapfile # swapon /var/swapfile # echo
    Sanjeev> "/var/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

    Sanjeev> HTH

    Sanjeev> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Neil wrote:

    >> Sanjay Gupta wrote:
    >> > Hey Guys !  > > Any Idea how to increase swap space in the
    >> RHL 6.2.  > > I have SWAP Partition of 127 MB. But now I want
    >> to increase by128 MB ie > 256 MB.  > except reloading Linux, is
    >> there any way that I can reserv some space > from my existing
    >> partition say root partion for swap. My root partition > has
    >> ample space to accomaodate it.  >
    >> ghane... u asking this question???  well there is a way of
    >> using a file for swap instead of a partition.  i remember i had
    >> to do it for my 386.  use mkswap to make a file into a
    >> swapspace.  and then, swapon Neil