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Re: Some networking stuff
If A is on Windows - use Wingate.
--- Vipin Mehta <mvipin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I originally wrote this mail to Raj but he
> pointed me to the
> list saying that you guys would be the best people
> to suggest some
> solution for this. The setup is this.
> I have two machines 'A' and 'B'. Machine 'A' is
> isolated and 'B' is
> connected to the network. 'A and 'B' are connected
> to each other thru a
> null modem cable. The requirements are that m/c 'B'
> has to transparently
> do all TCP/IP networking on behalf of 'A'.
> Constraints are that I can't
> run PPP over serial port to this stuff and I want
> 'A' to commuincate
> with the rest of the network transparently ie I shud
> be able to telnet,
> ftp. ping, etc from 'A' to rest of the network. I am
> trying
> on the lines of 'Divert Sockets'. Please suggest
> whether it can be done
> thru this way or not or if you have any better way
> to achieve this.
> (Somebody suggested me Tunnelling ???)
> Vipin
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