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Re: [vikram] think and flame
V.Vikram wrote (vvikram@xxxxxxxxxxxx):
> > pl. without a warning message don't post such mess. to the list.
> to mr.mks:
> yes i _fully_ expected a response like this. consider the foll pts:
Yes, I read your points. I also observed that you used that one liner in your
sig at an earlier post reg php. I can understand that your intentions are not
bad, but rather distorted. Read this with an open mind, you'll probably learn
something about yourself and _your_ attitude (and I'm not interested in
dropping a fork bomb to bring this to your attention, so read carefully).
Here are my views against this -
Firstly, your wisdom was unasked for. No one posted a request for a fork bomb.
If someone had asked how to handle fork bombs, then a lengthy discussion on
bean counting would not be unwarranted. But this did not happen.
Secondly, if you want to make a point then do it in a manner that does not
put other folks into trouble. Don't surprise people and make a fool of them,
it's bad manners.
Thirdly, there are several people in this group who are not as experienced as
you are. They are new to linux, unaware of security issues... and so this is a
_really_bad_ way to bring this to someones attention.
Many years ago, I tried this on my slackware box and ended up reinstalling.
Unlike your claims, you can never be certain that your fs will be intact after
a hard reboot. I can see a fork bomb when I see one, my system was immune to
your stunt and I lost nothing when I tried anyway. Others may be less
Not everyone on this list is interested in bean counting, kernel hacking, etc.
and you can't expect everyone to learn/understand it. Some folks just want to
use linux as the means to an end and not an end in itself. No matter how keen
you are in development you can't ignore your users and jeopardize things. Your
action is not supporting the linux community, and others have to jump in to
control the damage. I'm annoyed that I had to do this.
If you want to do some good, then write an article and post a link to it. I'm
sure that the web masters will be happy to host it on chennailug.org if
necessary. Many people (me included) will be happy and thankfull if you write
a convincing article. If you can't write a convincing article, then too bad.
Try to understand that "spirit of intent" is a poor excuse for behaving badly.
- Raja
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