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[vikram] think and flame

> pl. without a warning message don't post such mess. to the list.

to mr.mks:

yes i _fully_ expected a response like this. consider the foll pts:

	a) isnt it quite obvious that the fact there was _no_ warning
           itself was warning enough ? no ?
	b) your fs didnt get corrupted or anything did it ? you were
           able to reboot and start afresh. right or wrong ?
	c) you are now totally interested in learning more about this
	   and also about the concept of `beancounting' which can
	   help alleviate this aren't you ? read the linux kernel 
           mailing list archives and also rik van riel's and marcelo
	   tossati's patch for this. SEARCH for answers... also DOING
           WHAT mr.raja subramanian says is the smaller picture.  yes
	   ulimits is one way. there are _bigger_ issues
	   involved. the fact is that one would like to restrict the
	   number of processes per user and also per any _other_ variable
	   for that matter. its called beancounting and there is a lot
           of interest here...... 
	d) the best way to learn is by _trying_ things and usually
	   sometimes the hard way [remember bicycling ?]. i tried this out
	   when i saw it in a guys signature. i was not worse off i hope.
	e) naively [like me the first time], you saw an & somewhere there
	   didnt you? and it set you thinking... beware then from now on:):)
	f) from now you see something like this, you will take
	   twice the effort to find what it really means instead
	   of blind cut-and-paste posts.
	g) you _know_ at the end of this what a fork bomb can do,
	   what it means.
	h) consider me posting a warning . typical response would
 	   have been `hmm...interesting stuff, press delete key,
           next message'. no ? if NOT then ANYWAY you would be the sort
	   of guy who doesnt mind the occasional lock up :)
	i) ever plan to do kernel devel or even remotely become a
           core hacker or a sysadmin then  welcome to `oops' land. lock
	   up's , bombs. knowledge gained ? no ? 
	j) if you tried this on a production system then sorry about
           that, but frankly _THATS_ moronic. just cut-and-paste arbitrary
	   scripts to try them on production systems is a habit to be
	   dropped surely and the above result ensures that no ?:):)
on the whole a +ve outcome ?? if not i am really quite sorry.  

i am totally surprised at mr.raja subramanian's sharp reply. `moronic'? 
harsh words are easy to exchange but you miss essentially the spirit or
intent. maybe you think i am some random spammer to this list :):) anyway 
it looks like i should tender apologies and also i dont intend to continue
this thread. i guess i should be careful henceforth :)

in good spirit,

"attitude defines thee"

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