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Re: majordomo && wilma

Ravi proclaimed:
> Are majordomo2 and wilma available as debianized packages on 
> potato/woody? 


> I've done my share of searching and ended up with pretty much no
> results, though I always thought majordomo2 was GPL'ed or was at
> least DFSG compliant, and found itself in main/net ... but it
> doesn't seem to be that way. I'm thinking of setting up a a 
> private mailing list sometime...

majordomo1, even though free in the no-cost sense, is not free in the
freedom sense.  One major problem with the licensing of mj1 was that it did
not allow people to patch it and redistribute it.  When a major security
hole was discovered in mj1 just after potato was frozen, the Debian
developer did not have the option of fixing and distributing the fixed code
even though the fix was trivial.  This was the major reason mj1 was removed
from potato.  If you want, you can get the older version of mj1 from slink.

mj2's license does not have all the problems associated with mj1's
license.  It is licensed under an Apache-like license.  Also, I am
intending to package mj2 for woody once mj2 development reaches a decent

In the meantime, you can download mj2 and wilma from

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beat City Hall! It's just like David and Goliath, only this time, David
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