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Re: KDE 2.0 will have tamil


>>>>> "Suraj" == Suraj co in <suraj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suraj> Can someone bring KDE 2.0 (debs, rpms, tgz) burnt on a CD
    Suraj> for the next meet?

	If kde2 is released (final release I mean - not the
prereleases) by the next meeting, I will try to get this done.  I will
_only_ get the debs.  To hell with the rpms.  I will get the task-kde
stuff, nothing more.  If you want the tamil stuff tell me what debs to

	I will demand that someone bring _proper_ potato CD's in
return!  ;) BTW who has potato CD's in Chennai and do they have it all
i.e. official + non-us + non-free??

    Suraj>  I would also be pleased if u pack KBasic, GBasic and
    Suraj> phoenix along with this.

	{G,K}Basic are too unstable I believe.  phoenix doesnt run on
debian.  I dont know why.  I will try to put phoenix in (it is an rpm) 
but no {K,G}basic.

    Suraj> Myself is itching to have my hands on KDE 2 (-;

	The prereleases are pretty nice but I still prefer a hand
tuned fvwm2.

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