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Re: ftp over http

Athena proclaimed:
>      We want to make ftp files available over http. We want the webserver
> to serve ftp files (to help people behind firewalls etc). How to do this
> ?. We are running Apache.

Add the following to your access.conf:

<Directory /home/ftp/pub>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Assuming, of course, that you want to make everything under the pub
directory of FTP available.

Add the following to your srm.conf:

Alias /pub/ /home/ftp/pub/

Restart apache.  Now if you go to http://your.web.server.com/pub, you
should be able to see the listing of your FTP server's pub directory.

"I tell you, the kid's a wonder. He organized all the lawsuits against
          me into one class action."  -- Homer J. Simpson
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