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Minutes of ILUGC meet - 19th August 2000


	Great job on the minutes, Suraj and Midhun.  I do have a small

>>>>> "Suraj" == Suraj co in <sesha_sai_iyengar@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suraj>  Meet...  Prabhu... The ILUGC Rep.  Zameer... The spoonered
    Suraj> Amnesiac (-; Dr.P.Sriram... The potential CD Maker!  (-;

	Please note.  Despite the smileys, that statement (underlined
above) is rather unkind to Prof. Sriram.  We all know how busy he is,
being a Professor at the Dept. of Aerospace Engg. as well as the HOD
Computer Center.  It also does not give credit to what he has been
single handedly been doing - consistently giving us some of the best
quality lectures in the entire history of ilugc.  He has also been
kind to give us the room where we meet and is most ready to burn CD's
for us.  So please dont call him just a potential CD maker.  He is far
more than that.  :) Besides the CD making potentiality has been put to
full use several times in the past. :)  

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