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Re: [Fwd: Registering Linux India]

Ramakrishnan M proclaimed:
> Sudhakar Chandra wrote:
> > Part of the reason for this formation of a list is to discuss /whether/
> > there is a need to formalize LI into some nation-wide body.  A recent
> > incident involving a certain linux oriented .in domain name prompted some
> ok.. It would have been nice, if you had quoted the above incidents also
> in the original message. Without any such reasons, it looked odd to me.

Speed is of the essense in getting this body of people together.  That is
why I did not have time to sit down and think about the correct wording.

> > people to vocally let me know that it is important that LI become formally
> > registered.  Furthermore, organizing events in the past (such as IT.com
> I feel, we need some form of a draft which states "these are the reasons which
> prompted us to think of formalization and these are the benifits we will get".

But who will draft the draft?  And who will elect the drafters of the
draft?  Who will elect the electors of the drafters of the draft?  You the
see the problem in this?  Besides, there will always be opposing views. 
Why.  Even the LI has moved in directions in the past that I did not agree
with.  But such disagreeements are just a part of democracy.  As long as we
are headed in the general direction we want to head in it is fine.

> If we can evolve a consensus on those issues, we may proceed with that. If any
> sort of commercial interests are involved in this, then..sorry.

Commercial is not necessarily bad.  Linus and Alan Cox have to be employed
by someone.

Marge: Besides, it's not just his chiseled good looks.  "People" magazine
says he's a devoted father, goes to church every week, and likes to fix 
things around the.... Homer, let's make love.
Homer: Uh, okay. [The lights go out.  The lights come on] 
Homer: Uh, you're thinking about me, right?
Marge: Of course, Homey.  Aren't you thinking about me? 
Homer: I will now. [The lights go off again]
Sudhakar C13n    http://www.aunet.org/thaths/    Lead Indentured Slave
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