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Minutes of ILUGC Meet - 17th June
Minutes from ILUGC Meet - 17th June, 2000
The members of the ILUGC met on 17th June, 2000 at 1530 Hrs.
The Meeting started at 1600 hrs. The agendas of the meet were:
1. GIMP 1.1 Demo by Suraj Kumar
2. Talk on Buffer Overflows by Mr.Swaraj
Suraj showed a few of the changes to GIMP in its new 1.1 form. He
showed how one can use GIMP for pre-press works. He mentioned about the
Licences due to which the TIFFs from GIMP are not compatible with
PhotoShop and that Commercial TIFFs can be produced by Buying the
Non-Free version of TIFF support for GIMP. A few points on using layers
and Channels was discussed. The main aim of the demo was not just for
showing how great GIMP is but also to prove that Linux is not only a
programmer's OS but also is a powerful OS on the Desktop.
Next was Swaraj's talk on Buffer Overflows and exploits. Swaraj
started the talk by giving a couple of example programs to show how
buffers can be manipulated to skip parts of the code without having to
write Control-Transfer statements. He explained how a root shell can be
popped by writing a simple code which exploits buffers. He also
mentioned how GNU/Linux handles buffers. The recent attack on four of
the most popular websites by a group of hackers was also explained. The
threat of running programs suid was exposed.
The OpenBSD demo however couldn't be conducted owing to hardware
Next Meet, (if OKayed by our guest (PCQ Editor)) will be held on the
15th July which happens to be the third saturday, at the usual IITM
Computer Center.
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