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sndconfig is now available for Debian.

>>>>> "Ramakrishnan" == Ramakrishnan M <rkrishnan@xxxxxx> writes:

    Ramakrishnan> http://medeia.warande.net/~bas/Debian/sndconfig/

	Just wondering, wasn't sndconfig -always- available for debian 
as in use alien to convert sndconfig.rpm -> sndconfig.deb ? or would
it massively break libs/dependencies/stuff ?
	Anyway, I'm now on holidays and officially "jobless" .. so I'm 
gonna use alien to try and install sndconfig using RH 6.1's
sndconfig.rpm that I have lying around somewhere, ...will keep you
updated <g>
							-- ravi

Ravikant K.Rao | http://www.symonds.net/~ravi/
Primary Email  : <<ravikant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> 

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