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Re: Minutes of the meeting on the 29th of Jan

Prabhu Ramachandran proclaimed:
>         The Last meeting was held on Saturday 29th Jan 2000, at the
> usual place -- IITM computer center, courtesy Prof. Sriram.  We had a
> record attendance for this meeting with about 47 attendees.  For the
> first time a few folks had to stand.  Thaths, are we entitled for free
> subscriptions for linuxjournal now (or you want us to cross 50)?? :)

Ok.  Ok.  A promise is a promise.  You folks tell me:

1. Do you want a subscription to LJ?  If so to which address do you want
the magazines to go to?

2. Or do you want the LJ archives CD (which has all the old issues of LJ)?

"Am I the only one who just wants to play hopscotch, bake cookies, and 
         watch '"The McLaughlin Group?'" -- Lisa Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave
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