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Last meetings last minute minutes!


	I cant remember the date for the last meeting but do remember that
there was a decent attendance, the usual 20-25 people, and more new
faces.  We demonstrated an install of the latest RedHat linux 6.1.  Prof.
Sriram was kind enough to download the CD image and cut copies of both
RedHat 6.1 and slink for quite a few of the luggies.  The RH install was
quite impressive as most of you would have hear of by now.  Yours truly
demonstrated a quick install of Debian 2.1 as well.  There was the usual
informal discussion in which some people had their doubts cleared.
The meeting was noted for its lack of technical talks (hint! hint!! :).

	After the demos and discussion Srikrishnan demonstrated his
companies rain mail server, which is a mail, samba file sharing, caching
web proxy server, with a dial on demand connection utility (I may have
missed some things here) with a nice user friendly java front end, all in
one seamless package.  Srikrishnan brought his machine all the way from

	We also remained undecided about the next meeting.  That is all I
can remember.


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