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Re: Spamming by/to list....

>>>>> "Prabhu" == Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

  Prabhu> think making subscriptions harder is a good idea.  Besides

	Maybe we should turn on the 'confirm' tag for
subscriptions. Most lists these days require it, and it would trap
accidental clicks on the "mailto:"; URLs at chennailug.org. Besides,
the message Listar sends out requesting confirmation is suitable
pedantic, IMHO. 

  Prabhu> 	Listar can do this too.  Initially Arun and me decided
  Prabhu> that it is ok for non-subscribers to post to the list.

	This should probably stay. <rant> I still resent linux-india
going subscriber-post-only </rant>. There are occassions when an
individual needs to post to a list, a one-off message, and the hassle
of having to subscribe and unsubscribe is simply not worth it. These
days, for example, there is no way I can announce ilugc meetings on
the linux-india list, for I cannot handle the traffic it generates,
and only subscribers are allowed in .... of course, if it were running
on Listar , I could subscribe, and immediately set the vacation flag.


arun krishnaswamy  <aroon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  <kar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  
<http://prometheus.home.dhs.org>	Debian~OpenBSD~XEmacs~Gnus~fvwm 
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Send e-mail to 'ilugc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' with 'unsubscribe' 
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