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Re: EPIC problems.

RAVIKANT K RAO proclaimed:
>   I installed Debian 2.1 recently... it came with EPIC version 2.8.2 ...
> and later on , I downloaded the latest EPIC4-ALPHA tarball and installed
> it.
>   However , If I hit _just_ $ epic , it loads the older version ... while
> /usr/local/bin/epic is the latest version . I imagine this conflict is
> because of the existence of the older version on my m/c ... so how might I
> remove that ?

I am assuming that you want to remove the 2.8.2 one.  Do (as root):

# dpkg --remove epic

Binaries that come with the distribution are usually installed under /sbin,
/usr/sbin, /usr/bin/, /usr/X11R6/bin etc.  Locally compiled and installed
software are usually installed under /usr/local/bin etc.

"Dough... the stuff that buys me beer. Ray... the guy that sells me beer.
Me... the guy who drinks the beer. Far... the distance to my beer.
So... I think I'll habe a beer. La... La la la la la beer.
Tea... No thanks, I'm drinking beer." -- Homer J. Simpson
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