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Re: UUCP-over-TCP Vs Fetchmail

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Sridhar Iyengar wrote:

iyenga> Oommen Thomas wrote:
iyenga> > One doubt: Is it necessary for the local users to have logins on the
iyenga> > remote server? Or aliases will do? Thats possible in UUCP.
iyenga> Having an individual login for each user is not necessary. You can drop mails
iyenga> for all the user in one particular mail account (a.k.a multidrop mailbox) on ur
iyenga> remote server and retrieve all mails from that single mail account using
iyenga> fetchmail. fetchmail can retrieve all the mails & distribute it locally. if you
iyenga> plan to use multidrop mailboxes, then it may be advisable to set the
iyenga> 'X-Envelope-To' field or any such identifying field for all the mails in your
iyenga> remote server. This is for fetchmail to identify which local user is the final
iyenga> recipient.

Thanks for the help.

Went thru the FAQ and man.
Decided not to go for the mutidrop option due to the security/privacy
risks invloved as said in the man/docs.
Planning to have a POP a/c for each local user, on the remote server.

Tried to simulate this locally.
Client side able to read mails from the POP server and delete from remote.
But distribution to local mailboxes fails.
The fetched mails just vanish !!
No error to postmaster/logs even...

Given below is the /root/.procmailrc I generated using fetchmailconf.
As root, I started fetchmail as 'fetchmail -t30 -d900' as given in docs.

# Configuration created Thu Oct  7 13:23:14 1999 by fetchmailconf
set syslog
set postmaster "postmaster"
set daemon 5
poll servername via "alias"
 with proto POP3
       user "username1" there with password "pwd1" is username1 here 
options stripcr mda "'/usr/bin/procmail'"
    user "username2" there with password "pwd2" is username2 here options
stripcr  mda "'/usr/bin/procmail'"

