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.bashrc trouble

	Just encountered a problem that I remember I faced long, long
ago under Slackware. Didn't know then what caused it, and I still can't
figure it out. The .bashrc that follows exits with the following error :

bash: .bashrc: line 49: syntax error: unexpected end of file

	I'm not sure what's causing the problem. No unbalanced
parentheses, braces or quotes as far as I can see. Anyone ?


Note that if I can get you to \"su and say\" something just by asking,
you have a very serious security problem on your system and you should
look into it."
(By Paul Vixie, vixie-cron 3.0.1 installation notes)

-- Listar MIME Decryption --------------
-- Decoded: quoted-printable

# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.

if [ -f /etc/bashrc ] ; then 
    source /etc/bashrc

export PS1="\u@\h|`tty | cut -c 6-11`|\w:>\[\]\\$ \[\]"
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin
export OFFMAILDIR=/var/spool/offlinemail

# Bio software requirements

#export ICMHOME=/usr/local/icm/
#export ICMSCRIPTDIR=/usr/local/icm
#export BABEL_DIR=/usr/local/babel
export RASMOLPATH=/usr/local/doc/rasmol
export RASMOLPDBPATH=/home/arun/bio/Rasmol.data/pdb

# PostgreSQL requirement

source /etc/postgresql/postgresql.env

eval `dircolors $HOME/.dircolors`

# Mucking around with functions

{ dpkg --print-avail $* } # Debian specific: blurb on packages

# tar tomfoolery
tarc() { tar cvzf $1.tgz $1 }
tart() { tar tvzf $* | less }
tarx() { tar xvzf $*  }
tarxd() { tar xvzf $1 -C $2 }


# Miscellaneous aliases

alias cdb="cd /home/arun/program/C/bin"
alias cdk="cd /home/arun/program/C/src/kandr/"
