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#Linux is up! - IRC/ICQ status.

Okay guys ,
  #Linux on xirc.dyndns.org - supporting ports 6665-7002 ... recommended
ports 6667 and 7000 ... is now up ... on a trial basis .
  This mail was basically meant for ilug-c ... but I figured I would just as
well tell linux-india ?
  The server is up 24/24 .... and it resides in pennsylvania , usa ...
running the IRC server on an NT box ... there were quite a few people upset
that #Linux was not being run on a Linux platform ... but if someone wants
something done about it ... you have to get irc.linux-india.org or
irc.chennailug.org or something up ... about which we can think about later.
Administrative info about XIRC
XIRC Chat Network
John D. Lewis, Network Administrator
Microsoft Exchange Chat Service 5.5
On-line since Fri Sep 10 00:56:15 1999
End of /INFO list
  At the moment , due to time constraints ... Only the room is up ... A
helper script/bot etc... will make it into the room once I see the LOGs and
check out how many people actually turn in for chat. The bot is supposed to
help first time linux users ... but I think the few people that *might*
actually make it to the room will be linux guru's themselves.. so all these
upon looking at the LOGs.
  You might pop into #Lobby and ask for help there if you have any
problems... also you can post me any LOGs or any bad happenings that might
happen there. I'm usually logged in there as Ravi or RaviNSA ...
  Thats one more thing ... if you see someone with an NCH / NCA / NSA or
similar tags attached to their names ... they're friendly hosts on the
server itself .... and you can ask them for help.
  User John / JohNSA / Administrator is the person that owns the server and
is a *very* friendly guy ... so you can approach him if you need something
 - Ravi.
