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Re: [new user in chennai]

On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Senthil Kumar wrote:

senthil>Hi all,
senthil>  I just need one clarification. I am using RH 5.2. My database is
senthil>postgres. If i want to develop web based email system like yahoomail or
senthil>netaddrerss or hotmail, What are the things do i need to know and install
senthil>in the current system. I know CGI/PERL also.
senthil>Senthil Kumar L


I would suggest that you can very well use MySQL instead of postgres.
Apache+MySQL combination performs really better than any other
webserver+database combination.

ftp.rpmfind.net/linux/contrib/libc5/i386 directory contains the latest
version of mysql rpms.


L. Saravanan,Imagine Technologies.
eMail : sharan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, sharan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
