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hello everybody

Dear Friends
  Is there a problem with the UIUC mail server which handles the mails on
the list ? Come to think of it, what is the correct name for it -
mailserver, linux box.... i don;t want to commit sacrilege by saying the
wrong thing.
  Assuming there is indeed a problem with grandteton.cs.uiuc.edu, it's
better i put my question here.
  1. I feel pine is one superb mail client. But whatever i try, i am not
able to see the mail i get without the headers getting suppressed. The
fact is I like to see those headers because they have a lot of info. For
example, the headers when you see mail in hotmail tell you the originating
IP - useful when you fight spam, don't you agree ?
     So please tell me some way to enable the viewing of headers.
  2. Let us say i want to reboot this linux box, but there are a lot of
mails yet to be delivered due to various reasons and they are still in
queue. Is there some way to send all the mails back to the senders in one
stroke as a Mailer-Daemon message telling them to resend later, or just
send them back so that they senders know they weren't delivered.

  Adyarites must have no doubt seen Linux getting a place in Adyar Times
with a write-up on Maneesh's browsing centre. Maneesh, did you have to
mention the fact explicitly or did the Adyar Times guys themselves ask you
  Chennai Telephones have started IN ( Intelligent Network ) Services in
Madras and the freephone service, like the US 1-800 toll free service, is
to be made available within a week or two. Let's hope some ISPs like
Satyam or Dishnet get these freephone numbers for internet access. Or is
it too much to expect ?

See you all on Saturday.
mani sridhar
