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mulinux, floppy distributions


Have you heard of MULINUX ?

If not this email for you.

muLinux (µ-Linux) is a full-configured, minimalistic, almost 
complete, application-centric tiny distribution of Linux made in 
Italy, fitted on a single 1722K floppy. Its aim is to demonstrate the 
power and scalability of this operating system. The 2.0.36 kernel is 
compiled for the 386 (without co-processor) and modularized as much 
as possible. The binaries are taken from the dozens of distibutions 
and boot-floppies 

It has 2 optional add on floppies. 

The muLinux XWindow addon consists, basically, of the VGA-16 XServer, 
the fvwm95-2, Afterstep and wm2 Window-Manager and the XFM 
Application & File Manager. Other X programs are: xcalc, xclock, 
xload, xhost, xmodmap, xsetroot, xinit, xcal, xmixer, pyro, xsnow and 
xterm. xterm can be used to run every text-mode muLinux command 
(lynx, minicom, workbone, etc...). xhost is interesting because it 
allows the local X server to display 

The GCC addon floppy consists of many programming tools like GCC, 
pascal2c etc.

Windows/dos users should also download dostools.zip which contains a 
lot of tools including install.bat which gives you the option to 
prepare the 3 floppies or install linux in the fat16 partition as a 
UMSDOS installation. The UMSDOS installation including both the add 
on floppies occupy only abut 16 mb. 

The 3 floppies can also be used to create a UMSDOS installation on 
any windows/dos machine. This can just be done by just booting 
completely using all the 3 floppies and issuing a clone command which 
will clone the entire installation on to the dos partition. Great way 
to non-intrusively do a linux installation on dos/Windows users, 
(with xwindows) which may encourage them to go in for a full linux 

The URL is mulinux.nevalabs.org/mulinux 

It is also under very fast development. The latest release was on 
25th April, and the latest version is 5.7.  

In the last meeting I got a Stampede linux cd (a distribution of 
linux optimised for Pentiums). I also found in the cd a directory 
called tiny_linuxes which contained other floppy based linux 
distributions. They are the most recent versions of 
DLX distribution, Doslinux, ELKS, floppyX, hal91, loaf, lods, lrp, 
monkey_linux, smalllinux, tomsrtbt and trinux. 

Any takers for any of the above.

A few questions which someone asked me recently

Does our government has any restrictions on the use of cyphers.

Can we use PGP legally? 

Can any one tell me how to get/use PGP? 

Any answers???

Sorry for the long mail



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