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RE: got a mail with * Ur password has been stolen * as subj ect

On Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:18 PM, M K Saravanan
[SMTP:mksarav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] wrote:
| hi,
| I got the following mail.  Is it a hoax or some team is really
| trying to crack
| my system?

The headers look perfect. The reverse lookup on gives the
right domain name. But it's hard to say whether anyone's got your password
or not. Just change the password, anyway...
Prashant TR <tr@xxxxxxxxxx>
Web: http://www.midpec.com/

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| From: mksarav@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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| To: mksarav@xxxxxxxxxxxx
| Subject: Ur password has been stolen
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| X-UIDL: 284475882

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