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Re: OSPF code

> Does anyone know where I can get any information about the OSPF
> protocols , and any source code for an Internet Gateway which uses this
> protocol ? any pointers would be heartily appreciated. ( Right now I
> don't even know what this acronym means ! )

you can reasonable details in "TCP/IP vol.I" by Douglas E Comer and also
in "TCP/IP vol.I" by Richard Stevens.

RFC (Request for Comment: If you don't know the acronym ;-)

RFC 1583 gives you more detail about OSPF.  You can get this RFC by
sending a message to the following email id:


in the body of the message type:

send rfc1583.txt

Don't put anyother text incl. signature.  u will get the rfc within few

** mks **
M K Saravanan, 
Member Research Staff,
The AU-KBC Centre for Internet & Telecom Technologies,
Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University,
Chromepet, Chennai 600 044.
Tamilnadu, INDIA

Tel     (O): 91 44 2417885         Email: mksarav@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Telefax (O): 91 44 2402711         URL  : http://mksarav.tripod.com