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Re: JAVA vs. C in speed

I didn't try this out myself.If it increases the 
speed,let me know.

On 20 Jul 2000 13:25:36 -0000
 "OxCAFE  BABE" <cafebabe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of
> CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> Hi all!
> I'm doing some number crunching using JAVA in an
> application. I'm using a large number of Arrays , and
> thats where I thought my JAVA code will be spending so
> much of its time (as JAVA checks every Array access for
> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException). So, in order to improve
> the speed of my program I coded the routines as JNI
> native stubs, and timed it. 
> To my surprize, the JAVA code is as fast as the C code as
> far as number crunching and Arays are involved! Calling
> the native methods takes an additional 1/2 ms, and so
> eventually the pure JAVA code seems to be running faster,
> atleast with my experiments!
> Have others also experienced such issues?
> Does anyone know of good relaible comparisons between
> JAVA and C wrt speed ? If yes, 0xCAFEBABE would be glad
> to know about them
> Thanks,
> 0XcafeBAbe
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