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Re: Elliptic curve cryptography code

Thanks for ur information..... But it doesnt helped me....
I didnt find any java code in certicom.  It is giving only ECC challenge
doc as downloadable....
I am having Cryptography and Network Security book... It didnt give any
source code..  not even "william stallings  site" does not contain any code
for it.


Kedar Patankar wrote:

> > + I am trying to find a site where I can download the Elliptic curve
> > + cryptography code in any language for Unix flavours, but I didnt any
> > + find suitable site..
> You can try http://www.certicom.com. They have an online tutorial on
> elliptic curve cryptography (java code, so you should be able to do a
> "view source" on the page). Another source is a book named
> There is also a book "Cryptography and Network Security" by William
> Stallings. He also covers elliptic curve cryptography, and also gives a
> lot of source code.
> HTH,
> Kedar.
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