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RE: device driver

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, V.Kugan wrote:

> My question is when we have to use the above and when the lower one. And
> also where can I get more details about the second implementation.
> If you have any good links any other maerials pls send to me. My e-amil is
> kugan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or
> kugan_v@xxxxxxxxx
> Thank you verymuch
> V.Kugan

Though i am not very familiar with the capabilities of bluetooth, it seems
to be it does a lot of console/tty/ppp etc stuff.
So it has been defined and registered as a tty device.

I, for example, use the register_netdevice for my devices since they are
network devices.
So u have to know what kind of a device u are working with (and hope that
it is correct ;))

Sorry cant help u more than that...since i dont have more tty knowledge


                  Amit Kucheria
          EECS Grad. Research Assistant
           Team Niehaus || Room # 245E
         University of Kansas @ Lawrence
   (R)+1-(785)-830 8521 ||| (O)+1-(785)-864 7774