Hi,You have definitely chosen the right place to ask this question. Linux was ported to the IA64 quite a while back. One of the members of the team at Intel that did the job is also one of the founders of Linux India -- Arun Sharma. If you ask him, he will give you more information than you can possibly use. He will also explain to you why *BSD is better than linux and why the GPL is the work of the devil. *grinning, ducking and running*
Biju At 10:55 AM 21/12/00 +0530, Pratap Chakravarthy wrote:
hi gurus,It seems that IA64 will become very popular. I dont know whether it is really a revolutionaryarchitechture like i386, but it do seems that it has some innovative concepts.If so is linux has to be "rewritten" for that architechture. Please suggest some pointers on them.pratap
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