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RE: Leak Return
hello harpreet,
essentially this looks like a memory leak problem.
mem_leak : you are allocaitn mempory (dynamically from the heap) but npot
returning it to the OS
Also, you could be returning deallocated memory or non-heap memory from a
please post relevant code.
#-----Original Message-----
#From: Harpreet Singh (RBIN/DCA-NMP)
#Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 6:45 PM
#To: linux-india-programmers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#Subject: [LIP] Leak Return
#I am creating a associative array (using MAP)
#and inserting a couple of entries (about 500)
#Throughout the insert procedure is successful.
#But when I compile the code using a code coverage tool (insure++),
#I get a LEAK_RETURN warning at this statement during execution.
#(But I am getting the desired result)
#So my questions are :
#1) What is a leak return ?
#2) How can I avoid it ?
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