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RE: About Text-based Front-ends

along with babu's suggestion, you could search freshmeat for the port of
<conio.h>to unix,, iirc its called uconio or something. but i feel if you
are comfortable with the vison toolkit ,then tv i the way to go.


btw are you writing some frontend for an app with pgsql at the backend or
writing a gui frontend for pgsql itself (like access is a frontend for mdb")

#-----Original Message-----
#From: Soumava Das [mailto:soumava@xxxxxxxx]
#Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 11:40 AM
#To: linux-india-programmers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#Subject: [LIP] About Text-based Front-ends
#Hi Everybody,
#	I am trying to create a text-based front-end for a 
#database (Postgresql) 
#program. The front end should have forms, menus, etc. 
#	I am thinking of creating the front-end using ncurses. 
#But, would like to 
#know if there are any better options. ( The front-end should 
#be usable even on 
#DOS ).
#	I have seen full screen text-based front-ends for 
#databases ( they use 
#one at British Council Library, UTI Bank, ....) but don't have 
#any idea how 
#they are created ( using curses ?).
#	Any help in this regard ( as also about ncurses 
#programming ) will be 
#highly helpful.
#	Thanks anyway.
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