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Re: segmentation fault

the quicksort function uses recursion , but is there some terminating condition in it ?

At 8/21/00 8:23:00 AM, you wrote:
>Hai lip,
>I am getting segmentation fault while running the following quicksort program.
>My queries are
>1)what is segmentation fault?
>2)Will it always lead to dumping of core
>I hereby paste the program throwing segmentation fault
>//program starts here
>void quicksort(int [],int,int);
>int partition(int [],int,int);
> main()
>	int i=10,x[10];
>	printf("enter the numbers\n");
>	for(i=0;i<10;i++)
>	scanf("%d",&x[i]);
>	quicksort(x,0,9);
>    printf("elements of the array are\n");
>    for(i=0;i<10;i++)
>    printf("%d",x[i]);
> void quicksort(int x[],int lb,int ub)
>	int j;
>	j=partition(x,lb,ub);
>	quicksort(x,lb,j-1);
>    quicksort(x,j+1,ub);
>int partition(int x[],int lb,int ub)
>int t=x[lb];
>int down=lb,up=ub;
>int temp;
>return 0;
>	temp=x[down];
>	x[down]=x[up];
>	x[up]=temp;
>return up;
>//program ends here
>thanks in advance
>kamesh jayachandran
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 __ deepak __

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