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Re: Shell Scripting (Was Re: [LIH] at problem)

hi list

you wrote >>	IMO you won;t be able to do what you want to do by executing this
you wrote >>script. When we execute a file it is run in a new shell and hence whenn
you wrote >>you finish you would be where you are.

yes , but it changes to that directory, that is why it returns a status of
0, can be verified by :

ls -l | tee list 

and it outputs the content of DIR_TO_CHANGE

you wrote >>	
you wrote >>	$ chmod 755 l.txt
you wrote >>	$ . l.txt
you wrote >>
it is not 'executed ' but interpreted by the shell line by line, that's
why with . u don't even need a +x permission, just +r .

   we bloody cool , we bunk school 
   we lurk late,we strike straight
   we sing sin , we drink gin 
   we jazz june , we die soon 
    Rajeev Jha          	Email : rajeevj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    (20) 5424301 -1126  	Sharda centre