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help me find a SUN _ UNIX Professional


kindly go thru the following UNIX/SUN requirement. If anybody interested
contact through my personal email not to the list.

** mks
M K Saravanan, 
Design Engineer,
The AU-KBC Centre for Internet & Telecom Technologies,
Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University,
Chrompet, Chennai 600 044.
Tamilnadu, INDIA

email: mksarav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ph & FAX (Off):  (091) (044) 2402711

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 15:53:55 +0530
From: *A J Bala / Teleindia * <ajbala@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: mksarav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Can I help me find a SUN _ UNIX Professional

Hi Saravanan,

A friend of mine is looking for hardware Unix / Sun professional for
maintaining Sun Systems.

The person must have some inclination towards
handling people.

If you have referral, please let me know
the their contact details. Sorry for disturbing

take care
AJ Bala
