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Re: [LI] S3 Trio card

Hello there,
Well, I have disabled all the options which you
have mentioned. But, now I get a Blank Screen.
I have given 800x600 8-Bit resolution. The logs say
that it has started and even the output of kwm,kaudio,kfm is
in the logs ( KDE is the WM I am using here ).
The horizontal Freq I have given is 31-69 and 50-90 for
vertical. I chose the Non-Interlaced SVGA as monitor.
Any Idea what to do so that i get the display
now ( Since I know that X-Server is starting successfully.

Syed Khader Vali                                       skhader@xxxxxxxxxx
Associate Technical Executive             # 91-80-5262355      Extn:2527
IBM Global Services India (P) Ltd.

Dakshinamurthy Karra <kd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on 11/22/99 01:06:11 PM

related code (Options noaccel, nobitblt, noimgblt, nolinear etc.). Once
you get it start working, enable those which works.

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