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Hmm, I have this 3gig file around if anyone would like to put it in a
crontab on a fast link and mail it, say, every 15 minutes to Mr
Clueless Incarnate.


BTW, what's a Darwin award?

- -- Raju

>>>>> "Udhay" == Udhay Shankar N <udhay@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Udhay> Raju said:
    >> I wish some people actually learnt to read when their parents
    >> spent money to send them to school.

    Udhay> and then Thaths said:

    >> 1. Did you read the email that came to you when you were first
    >> subscribed to this mailing list?
    >> 2. What steps, apart from complaining rather uncivilly, have
    >> you taken to unsubscribe from this mailing list?
    >> 3. Did you even try unsubscribing?  What happened when you
    >> tried?

    Udhay> It occurs to me that pissing off a mailing list full of
    Udhay> techies is not very productive behaviour. This reminds me
    Udhay> of some random clueless newbie who got on to the Perl 5
    Udhay> Porters mailing list (don't ask!) and flamed Larry Wall
    Udhay> when he found he couldn't handle the volume. He said
    Udhay> something on the lines of "Get me off this ^%@#$& list or
    Udhay> I'll spam you so badly you'll be sorry!".

    Udhay> To which Larry replied: "Do you realise you're threatening
    Udhay> the inventor of the rocket launcher with a catapult ?"

    Udhay> Somebody nominate this dude for a Darwin award.

    Udhay> Udhay
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